Elder Garcia and Elder Reeves had quite the adventure last week. They decided to take a bus to see if they could visit an investigator. They do not have a car and Elder Reeves' bike is broken so they didn't want to walk. They ended up taking a bus not knowing how they were going to arrive to their investigators house because they didn't know the bus routes. So an hour later they were lost in Virginia! The bus driver drove until he ended his route and told them to get out. They had no idea where they were! They walked for while until they found another bus stop. They sat at the sidewalk hoping that a bus might pass. After waiting for about 30 minutes they started getting worried about how they were going to get back home. Just then, a car stops next to the street and waves them over. They walked over and started talking to the driver. The man asked them if they needed a ride. They of course said yes and they got into his car. He took them to their investigators house just in time. They learned that the man is an inactive member so they took down his name and number. Elder Garcia said that it was a great experience to see how the Lord took care and provided for them.
Elder Garcia y Elder Reeves tuvieron una bonita experiencia esta ultima semana. Ellos decidieron tomar el autobus al ir a visitar un investigador. Como no tienen carro y la bici del Elder Reeves esta descompuest, tomaron el autobus no conociendo las rutas. Una hora despues, estaban perdidos en Virginia! El autobus los llevo hasta el fin de su ruta y los tuvo que dejar ahi. No sabiendo en donde estaban, decidieron caminar hacia otra parada del bus esperando que otro autobus pasara. Esperando cerca de 30 minutos, no sabiendo como hiban a regresar a casa, un carro se les hacerca y un hombre les pregunta que si necesitan un aventon. Ellos porsupuesto aceptaron y el hombre hasta los llevo a su sita, ala cual llegaron a tiempo. Ellos aprendieron que ese hombre es un miembro inactivo, el cual les dio su informacion para contactarlo. Elder Garcia dijo que fue una experiencia grandiosa al ver de que el Señor siempre los cuida y provee para ellos.
The 10 new Missionaries!
Front Row: Pres and Sister Albright, Sisters Raynor, Taylor, and Patton, & Elder Johnsen Back row: Elders Phillips, Garcia, Rios, MacFarlane, Young and West
The 10 new Missionaries!
Front Row: Pres and Sister Albright, Sisters Raynor, Taylor, and Patton, & Elder Johnsen Back row: Elders Phillips, Garcia, Rios, MacFarlane, Young and West
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